6 Signs You Need to See a Dentist

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Other TMJ symptoms include grinding of the teeth and a clicking in the jaw (especially when you open your mouth too wide). If you suspect TMJ, but are not noticing these exact symptoms, look at your tongue: if the sides look scalloped or serrated, it’s possible that you’re grinding your teeth at night, but not noticing, and your tongue is getting in the way.

You should definitely see your dentist if you suspect TMJ because TMJ can lead to serious tooth damage, and even tooth loss.

Excessively Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can be a side effect of some medications. It might indicate dehydration, or it may signal another health issue.

Dry mouth may be caused by some pretty serious conditions and diseases like:

  • diabetes;
  • Alzheimer’s disease; and
  • HIV.

An unusually dry mouth can have a serious effect on your dental health in addition to serving as a possible warning of a bigger health problem. Saliva is part of your body’s natural tooth protection and plays a role in protecting them from decay. If you have frequent bouts of dry mouth, talk to your dentist about making sure your teeth are well protected, and to make sure that there isn’t a more dangerous underlying cause to the symptom.