Changing Your Hair Color and Makeup Seasonally

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For lips, send the winter blahs packing with a striking color. “I am a huge fan of the deep, dark cherry lip,” explains Boehmer. “(A) bold lip is classic and can look great during any season.” Other fashionable winter colors that you may want to paint your lips with include deep purples, browns, and pinks.

Another winter look you’ll love: a bold smoky cat eye with eye shadows in sexy black, charcoals and grays. "It's universally flattering,” celebrity makeup artist Susie Jasper explains to Ladies’ Home Journal. “That dark line along the upper lid makes every eye look good."[relatedarticles}


For hair, think a little darker. Fall and winter fashion usually takes a turn for darker colors, so consider allowing your hair to follow suit. A slightly darker tone when the sun’s rays are weakest can appear very natural and complete your winter look. If you’re one of those who doesn’t use a tanning product, a slightly darker mane can really set off a porcelain skin tone, especially if you have blue or green eyes.


Spring: Muted and Minimal


Come spring, toss out those bold and daring winter colors and opt for natural, barely-there makeup with eye treatments that pop. It’ll give your face a clean look with just enough sizzle.