Lips Like Angelina

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Finally, add a light shade of base foundation to your new lip line and blend it into your natural skin tone with a lip brush. Remember that when choosing your lipstick color, lighter shades reflect light and help give your lips a fuller appearance. A secret used for the Victoria’s Secret Angels is to apply a small dab of gloss to the upper part of your cupid’s bow and to the center of your bottom lip to help give a highlight to your lips and create more depth.

Plump Lip Tips: Medical Solutions

Chemical lip plumpers are a new wave of products to fill up the makeup aisle in recent years. Hit the beauty section of your local pharmacy and you’ll find several brands to choose from that all garner different results. Because these are chemicals, it’s important to start out light and make sure your skin can handle the ingredients.

Lip plumpers are chemical stimulants that irritate the sensitive skin of the lips to make them appear plump and full by drawing more blood to the area. When choosing a lip plumper cream or gel, remember that the effects will be temporary. Read the labels carefully to see what they’re made with and how long they claim to last.

If you’re preparing for an entire day of full-lip beauty, look for a long-lasting plumper or one that you can reapply during the day. If it’s just a hot date night, you can usually get by with one that lasts a few hours.