Day to Evening Fashion: How to Make a Seamless Transition

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The modern woman often has a demanding job and a busy social life. How does she effortlessly go from a day full of meetings to a dinner date? There are 3 keys to making a seamless transition from day to night.

1. Choose Clothing with Versatility

The first thing to pay attention to when working on a day to night look is to choose clothing with versatility. You don't want to have to go home to change clothes between the office and your night out. The solution is to try to plan ahead. Wear something that will work just as well at the trendy bar where you're meeting friends for drinks, as it will in your daytime lunch meeting.


Dresses are a girl's best friend when it comes to versatile clothing. Pair a dress with a cardigan and flats during the day. For a nighttime look, swap the flats out for platform heels and remove the cardigan entirely. Accessorize, and voilå! You are ready for a night out on the town.