Rock Your Halloween Costume

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Holly Golightly (played by Audrey Hepburn) in Breakfast at Tiffany's - Be the chicest lady at the party by dressing as one of the most beloved female film characters of all time. Slip into your most flattering little black dress, long black cocktail gloves, a beautiful updo and piles of sparkly costume jewelry. Props include a mile-long cigarette holder, big black sunglasses and a little paper bag to hold your tasty, but dainty, breakfast treat.

Last-Minute Suggestions for Winning Halloween Costumes


When a last-minute invite for a Halloween soiree pops up in your inbox and you're nowhere near done gathering supplies for your sure-to-be adorable cowgirl-from-Mars costume, don't fret - improvise! With a quick trip to the craft store or a rummage through the nearest junk closet, you can put together a Halloween costume to get you through the night.

Sexy Zombie Secretary (or businesswoman, librarian, etc.) - Turn your everyday wear-or a more creative version thereof-into a horror show. Wear a normal outfit, or choose a theme, and do up your face with gray pancake makeup, black under-eye circles and fake blood. It's amazing how much more interesting a sexy "executive" costume is when it becomes a Sexy Executive...of the Undead. Slump your shoulders and lurch around the party asking for "braaaaiiiinnnns" and you're sure to get a laugh or two.

Have Pun With It! - For those who love to inject a sense of humor into their Halloween costume, use supplies from around your house to go as a walking pun; a serial killer (empty miniature cereal boxes affixed to your outfit and a fake knife as a prop), cat burglar (all-black outfit, cat ears and a bag filled with your stolen goods) or a ceiling fan (write "Ceilings are the Best!" on a white T-shirt, throw on denim cut-offs and carry a sign that says "Ceilings are No. 1!")