Style Tips: Look Like a Million Bucks for a Lot Less

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Find a Great Tailor and Cobbler

Tailoring clothes and repairing worn-out shoes is an excellent way to spruce up your wardrobe without spending a ton of money. You may have some old dresses or suits that aren't in style anymore. A good tailor can probably alter them so that they'll look more modern and hip without the cost of an entirely new garment.

It is a similar story with shoes. Your scuffed black boots might look like they're acceptable only for weekend chores. Take them to be fixed up by a good cobbler, and you might find yourself with what resembles a brand new pair of boots to wear to a cocktail party.

Hair Tips

Hair salons can be extremely costly, especially if you're indulging in treatments like color or straightening. By keeping your color as close to your natural color as possible, and going with a mid-length cut, you will save a lot of money over time. Arm yourself with a blow dryer and some styling products and you won't need expensive straightening treatments.

A simple cut in a length that is close to your shoulders will allow for great versatility in style. You can wear it down and loose for casual occasions, in a low ponytail at the office, or twisted into an up-do for a fancy party.