How Does Exercise Benefit Your Brain?

Workouts with Brain-Boosting Benefits

The best workouts that will give your brain a boost are those that involve vigorous activities and get your heart pumping for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Any exercise that gets you breathing heavily and deeply delivers more oxygen to the brain, making it easier for you to process your thoughts and even revive old memories.

Most of these brain-boosting workouts will be cardiovascular exercises, and adding these to your fitness schedule might just help you tackle tough problems and keep your head clear on any stressful day. Exercises and activities that will give your brain a boost include:

  • Speed walking
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Circuit training
  • Jumping rope
  • Training on the elliptical machine

Learning new exercise routines such as weight lifting, yoga, Pilates and other stretching exercises can also help you build brain power. The goal of each activity should be to train a new set of muscles and allow your brain memorize new sequences. When your body and mind soon adapt to the new routine, you can increase the intensity for even more benefits.