Bring Your Own Snacks to Outings

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When you attend a theme park or a ball game, it's easy to fall prey to concession stands offering hot dogs, sodas, cheese nachos and other high-calorie favorites. Instead of buying into fattening fare, pack your own cooler. Bring along bottled water, cold cuts, fresh fruit, pretzels and other convenient foods that will provide nourishment and satisfaction for the whole family. Did we mention you'll also save money? A ballpark meal averages $10 per person; you can prepare a meal for four people for less than that! The next time you pack up the family for a zoo, park or concert, stock the cooler with everyone's favorites. If it's mealtime, then a cold rotisserie chicken from the grocery store makes a tasty entrée. Grab whole fruit or a fruit salad as a side, plus some baked chips and low-fat dip.