At Last: 8 Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time

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by William Winch

Winter is upon us, which means that everyone is bundled up in sweatshirts and pajamas sitting in front of the television waiting for the snow outside to melt in 3 months. Getting into that bikini (and looking good in it) is probably not on the top of your priority list right now. That is OK. You have a little time to get in shape.

The problem with this way of thinking though, is that most people add fuel to the fire by eating junk food. Living a sedentary life, even if it is only for a few months, is bad enough. If you want to relax this winter, go for it! But at least eat properly. Here are 10 tasty and healthy snacks that are great for television downtime.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #1: Popcorn
You are better off skipping it at the movie theater, but at home you can prepare it in a healthy way. A bucket of oil-popped movie theater popcorn can contain as much fat as three to five double cheeseburgers. But air-popped popcorn is a relatively healthy treat. Three cups of popcorn have just 93 calories and 1.5 grams of fat.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #2: Pistachios
Pistachios are a great heart-healthy snack full of antioxidants, fiber, and good fats. A 1/2-cup serving only has 170 calories, with 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. However, that serving also has 14 grams of fat, so do not stuff yourself on them. They key here are the shells. Since they are difficult to open, more work is involved, which will make you eat slower.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #3: Red Grapes
OK, you had to have known that fruits and vegetables would be on this list. As much as people want to avoid them these days, there will never be a processed snack food that will even come close to matching the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables. At the top of the pile is red grapes. Full of anti-oxidants and vitamins, red grapes are nature's answer to sweet candy.