Love Walks In: When the Kids Don't Knock

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It's every parent's worst nightmare. Like the one where you're standing up in a front of a crowd and suddenly realize you're naked. Only the crowd is your child - or children - and you're naked with the purpose of getting laid. We're talking about the kids unknowingly entering the den of debauchery while you are in the midst of making love. After a moment of shock and awe, the reality of the situation sets in. So where do you go from here? For starters, take cover! Grab a blanket, clothes, anything to ease the blow. How you proceed from here likely depends on the age of your curious George or Georgina. Look at the situation realistically. For the little ones who likely can't comprehend what they've just witnessed, let them know that Mommy and Daddy are perfectly okay - nobody is hurt (besides your pride).