Naughty Dreams: What They Mean

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We've all had that icky feeling upon waking up after having a vivid sex dream about someone with whom you have no business having sex or getting down in strange ways as you slumber. The thing about sexual dreams, particularly when they happen in implausible situations, is that they don't really reveal feelings about sex. For example, getting busy with a coworker or boss in your dreams can signify your career desires. Perhaps you're dreaming about your boss because you desire a raise or promotion. Sexual relations with a coworker might reveal anxieties about rivalries or your need to diversify your job duties. When you dream about sex with someone of the same sex, and you don't identify as gay, then don't think you're going to start pitching for the other team in real life. Same-sex experiences in your dreams may signify issues with your self-esteem, particularly if in the dream you or the other party focuses on a certain body part. You may desire some attribute or talent that they possess - not necessarily their bodies.