Sexy Looks for Guys

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Women always seem to feel the pressure of looking great from head to toe -- and even underneath -- but we don't seem to expect the same from the guys. No more. It's time to step up your guy's game -- or step up your own game if you're the guy! First, start at the bottom. Shine up those scruffy dress shoes or boots, and chuck the Crocs, unless you're going on a gardening date. Consider wearing something other than those dorky white sneakers. A sleek trainer in suede or other material would make otherwise drab jeans pop. For more dressy-casual outfits, try a lace-up buck or deck shoe. Go with some cool leather flip-flops or fisherman sandals if it's summer. Consider what you wear on a daily basis -- it's said women love men in uniforms, but if you don't wear a uniform, that's OK. You can trademark a few strategic pieces into your own "uniform." For some guys, the uniform may be a tight t-shirt and jeans.