Banish These Chemicals from Your Beauty Regimen

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When it comes to primping, do you go au naturel? We're not talking about leaving the house with a naked face - we're talking about what's in your makeup and toiletries. Take a look at the ingredient list on your favorite cosmetics to see if any of these nasty chemicals have made their way onto your body. It may seem harmless, especially when you use such a seemingly small amount, or you wash the product away after applying, but a lifetime of exposure to toxins in cosmetics may increase your risk of certain cancers and other health conditions. You may see the word "fragrance" on the label of many products, and it's a misleading term that covers a whole slew of concoctions. Many of them are phthalates, which have gotten a bad rap for their presence in baby bottles, pacifiers and teethers. Researchers have found links to autism, endocrine disruption and even obesity as a result of exposure.