Spa Treatments with A-Peel

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Regardless of your age, you may have heard the buzz about facial peels and microdermabrasion. It sounds painful, but what's the real story behind these spa mainstays? And is it safe? There are two ways to undergo the processes: at home or administered by a certified esthetician in a spa, plastic surgeon's or dermatologist's office. The most thorough - and most expensive - processes are done professionally. For a facial peel, chemicals are applied to the face and then removed. The chemicals should be tailored to your skin type, taking into consideration any allergies or skin conditions that you have. Peels are used to minimize the effects of sun damage, acne and acne scars, and fine lines. The mildest peels contain alphahydroxy acids, which are present in many over-the-counter skincare products. The strongest ones might contain phenols, highly concentrated antioxidants.