How to Cheat - and Get Away with it

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Cravings are probably the hardest part of following a diet plan. All you can think about sometimes are the foods you "can't" eat instead of focusing on the foods that are allowed on your diet. And when your willpower is weak, do you run for the vending machine or your favorite restaurant? If so, then experts say it's OK - once in awhile. After all, those foods will always rear their heads, and you'll always crave them. But there are ways to make your splurges sensible.

Accept your cravings without beating yourself up when you give in. Keep your stomach full of healthful foods most of the time, so that when those forbidden foods present themselves, you can be satisfied with eating less of them. Go for the primo form of whatever it is you crave. Instead of eating a stale, prepackaged doughnut to satisfy a sugary craving, try something more decadent, like a small wedge of creamy cheesecake. Enjoy your treat with all your senses - plate it up in an attractive way, smell it and savor it instead of wolfing it down.