Bust Exercises

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Bent-over Row (for upper back)

Starting Position: With two tins of canned food as weights, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands by your sides. Now, bend your knees slightly. Keep your legs in this slightly bent position throughout the entire exercise. Bend forward at the hips, so your upper body is parallel to the floor. Keep you back flat. Your arms will hang. Keep a slight bend in the elbow.

Movement: Pull the cans toward your chest in a rowing motion, keeping your arms close to your side. No chicken wings! Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you do so. Then release slowly and allow your arms to gently straighten, returning to the starting position. Repeat for 10 repetitions. Stand up and rest for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the set (of 10).

Half Push-Up (for chest)

Starting Position: On a towel, lie flat on the floor once again face down, in push-up position. Have your elbows beside you, palms face-down on the floor at shoulder height. Take your hands just a little wider than you did with the ab-bracing position (approximately 2 inches). Brace your abs as before.