Bust Exercises

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Movement: This time, push up onto your knees and your hands, instead of just your elbows. Lower yourself just until your nose touches the towel. Immediately push up again. Do this for 10 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat the set of 10.


These three exercises will lift your breasts without surgery. A higher bustline is achievable with exercise; you just have to get into a routine. To help you on your way, here are some training tips to remember:

*Always warm up and cool down.

*Aim for three times a week, say every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Create a routine and stick to it!

*Never train the same area two days in a row. You need to give yourself time to rest and recuperate. Over-training not only will result in tiredness, but also possible injury and loss of results.

*Saturday and Sunday are rest days -- time to go out and show it off!