Cool New Workout Classes

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Dance Workouts

If the concept of "dance workout" makes you think "jazzercise", you need to get out more. Today's workout classes feature fat-burning fitness classes incorporating moves from hip hop, salsa and bellydancing, just to name a few. Most devotees say that the hour flies by when you feel like you're dancing instead of exercising. Why not try a bellydancing or hula class and target that waist? Or a ballet class set to fresh, contemporary dance music?

Karaoke Exercise Class

Admit it: you're one of those girls who always mouths the words to the songs (or even sings quietly) when you're enjoying a song in a class. Thanks to the advent of fitness clubs that have incorporated karaoke machines into the gym, you don't have to mouth the words anymore. Belt out your favorites without fear of humiliation, because your classmates will be doing the same. It's not only good for your mood, it helps you remember to breathe regularly, ensuring a proper workout.

If you can't find these classes in your area, make a request to the gym manager or organize your own. There's no excuse for a boring workout in the 21st century, and the only reason to do an old-fashioned Jane Fonda workout is if that's the one you want.

The choice, more than ever before, is yours.