10 Diet-friendly Freezer Treats

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Here are 10 diet-friendly freezer treats to consider as you watch your waistline without denying yourself those well-earned snacks.

Frozen yogurt is a sweet, delicious treat that is naturally low in calories and a great alternative to pound-producing ice cream. Honey makes a low-calorie, tasty topping you won't feel guilty about enjoying.

Sugar-free Fudgesicles are less than 40 calories (check the labels on the boxes before you buy for the brand with the lowest) and can satisfy that craving for chocolate or ice cream. But moderation is needed -- even with low-calorie snacking.

Steam-ready vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber without the excessive calories. They are filling, healthy and ready to eat in minutes. You can save money by buying your favorite veggies and steaming them yourself. Store them in pre-selected portions in freezer bags. Try a low-calorie, low-fat dressing or dip for variety.