Weight Gain Factors That Go Beyond Poor Diet and Lack of Exercise

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Sluggish Thyroid

The one condition that almost every celebrity is citing to justify his or her weight gain is hypothyroidism or a sluggish thyroid gland. Many people think that once this condition is treated, the 30 pounds that they have gained can magically disappear. However, some experts believe that hypothyroidism, which may cause weight gain of a few pounds due to the decline in a person's metabolism, is not the sole reason why you have gained twice your body mass in three years or so. Eating habits and lifestyle can still dramatically affect whether a person with sluggish thyroid would put on a lot of pounds or not.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

A lot of women who have PCOS, short for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, do not realize that they have a hormonal problem till they have gained a lot of weight, lost some hair or grown facial hairs. Women who have PCOS usually have an increased production of male sex hormones. However, experts believe that the rise in testosterone levels in women is not the cause of weight gain. Actually, up to now, scientists cannot explain why women with PCOS gain a lot of weight.

So what do you have to do if you have PCOS? You have to take medications and work doubly hard in shedding your weight. An increase in physical activities, strength training and a controlled diet program can help anyone with PCOS to lose even more than 10 percent of their body weight.

Water Retention

Another problem that is more common in women than in men is swelling and bloating due to fluid retention. Women who are experiencing premenstrual syndrome or those who are into perimenopause or menopause are more susceptible to weight gain due to water retention.