Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

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Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms

People with gluten sensitivity may experience symptoms a few hours after consuming gluten products, or even a full day afterwards. Some possible symptoms may include:

  • headaches or migraines;
  • "foggy" or "cloudy" brain;
  • joint and bone pain;
  • numbness in the hands, arms, legs, feet and fingers;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • fatigue; and
  • muscular disturbances.

It is sometimes difficult to identify gluten sensitivity. The symptoms are common in other diseases and ailments, making it hard to tell exactly what is going on. According to Dr. Rodney Ford, Australian associate professor and author, "A symptom is subjective. It is not usually visible to others, including nurses and doctors. It includes such feelings of pain, discomfort, fever, chills, cold, nausea, vomiting, itchy skin, etc." Ford says, "Often the symptoms are caused by food allergy but interpreted as 'infection' or a 'normal' physiological stage."