Weighing the Scales

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The Best Scales

Tanita Brand - The Tanita lines of bathroom scales offer a number of electronic scales that measure your weight as well as body fat in increments of .1% increments. The prices on the Tanita line varies from $13 for their basic model all the way up to $130 for their top of the line model. This model measures all different types of body measurements and allows you to pre-program such things as your age, your gender, and other measurements that will allow you to utilize the special features that are included in this scale. Tanita scales are available in several models that are ideal for children, adults and athletes.

Health-o-Meter -- Yes, the Health-o-Meter are the same scales you're likely to see in your doctors' office. These scales are very expensive ($200 and up) but they are incredibly accurate. These scales are manual and are suitable for your entire household.

Weight Watchers -- The Weight Watchers scales are available in a couple of versions that are both digital. These scales are accurate to within .5 lbs and are suitable for everyone. These scales offer lithium battery power that never needs replacing and will accurately weigh those up to 380 pounds within the margin of error. The Weight Watchers scales are easy to use (tap your foot to start them up) and can be pre-set to accept weights for more than one person. Prices on these scales range from $30 to $80. These scales are also sold under the "Conair" brand name.

Taylor -- This brand makes several models of scale including a talking model that is a welcome feature for those who might have visual issues. These scales range in price from $13 to $55 and some of the models offer additional features including body fat measurement. Regardless of your needs or your budget, you'll be able to find the right bathroom scale to help you keep track of your weight.