7 Tips for a Successful Tree Takedown

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Face it. Although decorating for Christmas may be one of your favorite pastimes, there's little enjoyable about undoing the fruits of your labor. And while your kids love to be in on the action when the decorating is being done, don't expect the same enthusiasm on the flipside.

If you do want a set of extra hands, try bribing your little helpers with a picnic lunch at the park or an afternoon smoothie at the local store. Of course, nothing will be as helpful as a few tried-and-true tips that make the undoing of the holidays seem downright seamless. Not only will these simple solutions benefit you today, but they'll also have you organized when it comes time to break out the Christmas gear next year. When it comes to putting away the Christmas lights, wrap the strands around an empty paper towel roll. This will prevent them from becoming all tangled up. Ornaments should always be stored in separate containers from other decorations to keep them safe. For breakable ornaments, stash them in ornament boxes for their protection.