Great Ways to Get Yourself in the Mood

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Perhaps a tradeoff system would work for your relationship - he cleans the cat box for a week in exchange for fellatio, for example! Perhaps the sexual acts you trade for will get you in the mood. If you're not getting enough rest and not enough exercise, then it can affect your energy and libido. Sleep is important - and so is sex. So give it a chance - approach his advances with an open mind instead of going through the begging and refusal cycle, which is time you could be using to sleep! Do little things before bed that make you feel sexy, like taking a bubble bath with candles lit and slipping into something silky. No one feels sexy when they throw on an old t-shirt and plop in a bed with sheets that need washing, so pay attention to yourself and your surroundings. If all else fails, and the "too busy" excuse works its way in, then you and your spouse may literally need to schedule your lovemaking. It sounds unsexy, but if you know when you'll be having sexy time, then everything else can get done in a timely manner. Soon enough, it'll be something you look forward to and not just another item to cross off the to-do list.