The Big O: What You Don't Know

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It's unclear whether this inherited trait is physiological, psychological or anatomical in nature, however. Societal issues like religion and upbringing may play a part, but so does biology. Got a headache? That's no excuse – in fact, that's a good reason to have an orgasm, which releases oxytocin, a natural painkiller. It also soothes sore muscles and menstrual cramps! That same hormone is also responsible for breast health. Oxytocin reduces the carcinogens that cause breast cancer. And the next time you get hiccups, try jumping into bed before drinking nine sips of water, getting someone to scare you or any other crazy old wives' tale for getting rid of them. Orgasms simulate the vagus nerve and cause hiccups to stop. So give it your all next time and reap the benefits of orgasm.