The Morning After: A New Take on Wedding Photos

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The New York Daily News covered the hot idea recently, and one New Jersey-based photographer said the idea was to capture the new, passionate love that spouses have for each other. “I wanted to do the shoots to show that [marriage] is happy … it's sexy and it's not over," Michelle Jonne said. The shoots may be torrid, but spouses depicted in a half-naked embrace or in pictures where the sexytimes are implied seem to love it. One happy client, Inna Shamis, told NYDN, “When you get married, you’re in the best shape of your life and why not have these memories.” Some of the sweet shots include a man's back pressed against the glass shower door, while his wife leans against him and presses her hand to the door. Others show couples simply relaxing in bed. Either way, the idea is not to show off too much - just the emotions behind those blissful newlywed days.