3 Steps to Stop a Man from Withdrawing

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 So, the first thing to do when this happens with the man you're with is to remind yourself that it's completely normal. If he's the right man for you, these periods will significantly shorten over time, even though he'll still need his "space" every once in a while. 

After 20 years of marriage, there are still moments when my husband gets a little distant from me. The difference now is that I know that when he does it's a natural process, so I don't get worried like I used to. I've also learned what not to do when it happens. Which brings me to the next step... 

Step 2: Create Tension So He Snaps Back 

Whenever the man we're with pulls back from us, our first instinct is usually to lean in and close the space. This requires effort.  And it also usually causes the man to resist our attempts to get closer. Why? Because by stepping in we're removing the incentive for a man to get close. He no longer feels it's his choice – he feels forced. 

If he starts pulling away, and you move toward him, then you're just letting the rubber band go slack. You're making it impossible for him to bounce back to you. You're eliminating the tension he needs in order to come back.