8 Ways to Make Your Marriage Juicy!

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2. Connect with Your Dreams: Become passionate and invigorated in all the things you do. If you are going to clean the house, walk the dog or embark on a new purpose do it with a great attitude. Nurture the vision of what kind of energy you to dream to have as a person and extend that out. It is amazing how a passionate person with a great attitude becomes very sexy to their partner. 

3. Flirt: Flirting opens a marriage up to fun. Send your partner sweet and sexy text messages they would not be expecting. We all love to feel that we are desired, attractive and still sexy. Newness is sexy, and flirting is a great way to make things feel new and fresh again. 

4. Surprise your partner with an unexpected gift: Do not wait around for holidays or other events to take the initiative to show thoughtfulness. Send a little gift or plan a great night, just because. It is often more meaningful to receive an unexpected surprise then to receive one that is planned and expected.  

5. Show Pride in your Partner: In marriage it is easy to freeze your partner into a fixed perception/role. Get out of that. Publically brag about your partner’s amazing qualities. Refrain from making them the brunt of a joke. Your partner needs you to act maturely instead of like a teasing child/bully (not sexy). Embrace their positive qualities and let them know you fully have their back.

6. Quality Time: Plan special time for the two of you. Date night should be mandatory. The kids need to see you going out, having fun, touching and laughing together. You need to focus on being a fun and engaging couple. Quality time helps you to take a moment…to reconnect and remember how great your relationship really is.