Nobody Likes My New Love...Should I Care?

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What do you do when you are in love and your friends do not like your new Love?  You really like this person, they makes you happy and things are going well.   Things stop going well within you, however, when you begin to feel in the middle of your friends and your new Love.  You find that with your new Love you are defending and explaining your friends and with your friends you are defending and explaining your new Love. How in the heck are you going to make these two parts of your life come together where you do not fear if you have one you will lose the other.  At what point do you learn to live for yourself without feeling like you have to prove yourself and your choices to everyone?

Five Steps to Finding Your Answers:

Analyze the situation:  Could jealousy or envy be a part of their dislike?  Does your new Love treat your friends with kindness and respect? Is your new Love flirtatious with any of your friends?  Is he/she attentive to you? Does your new Love treat you respectfully in front of your friends?  Do you complain about your new Love to them?  Try to see from their eyes what this person could possibly being doing that they view as negative.