Nobody Likes My New Love...Should I Care?

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Consider their feedback:  If you can see that something they are saying about your new Love is true take this information in and decide how you want to handle it with your new Love.  Do you need to explain to your friends that your new Love does not mean these behaviors in a negative way to help them better understand his/her personality?

Question your new Love: Do you feel pressured to be with your new Love and not your friends? Does he/she talk to you nicely and treat you with respect?  Is your new Love self-sufficient and responsible?  If you notice your new Love is being rude to your friends then it is up to you to create the peace. Keep in mind if your new Love deeply cares for you then they will treat your friends with respect because your new Love will want their respect in return knowing they are important to you.

Question your friends:  Do you feel pressured not to see your new Love to be with your friends? Do you feel threatened you will either lose them or your new Love because there is not enough of you to please everyone? Sometimes friends really are just being too needy which is part of the reason that communication is so important here. If it is really your friends who are jealous then there is not much you can do about that except to tell them it is what it is and eventually, if they are true friends, they will adjust and be happy for you.