Product Review: Skincare for Kids

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Soaps and Body Wash

Depending on the kid, you may have to struggle to get him into the tub, or you may have to beg him to get out. Either way, fun and kid-friendly soaps and body washes can make the entire experience more pleasant for everyone involved.

JASON Kids Only! Bath Gel is natural and tear-free. These products gently cleanse without over-drying, leaving your child's skin in great shape. It comes in two delicious scents: Berry Burst and Tropical Twist.

For children who prefer the classic bar soap, there's Canus Lil' Goats Milk Soap. This Canadian product is phosphate-free, vegetable-based and lightly scented.

Body Oils

Body oils for babies and children have become increasingly popular as parents discover the benefits of baby/child massage and essential oils. If you're a parent who wants to add another soothing step to your child's bedtime routine, kids' body oils may be a good product for you.

California Baby has an excellent line of all-natural aromatherapy massage oils for kids and babies. The strategically scented oils are formulated to bring some peace and tranquility to kids who are cranky, overtired or suffering from cold and flu.

Acne Fighters

There comes a time in every parent's life when you realize your baby isn't a baby anymore. Unfortunately, that time often comes with the first sighting of acne on your tween's face.

Acne can be heartbreaking for a kid, and as parents we want to do whatever we can to ease their suffering. There are pharmaceutical medicines that are effective for acne, but sometimes it's good to start with some natural, preventative measures before hitting the pharmacy.