How to Prep Skin for Cold Weather

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Don’t let old man winter ruin your holiday photos - you can help avoid the winter skin blues by following these skin prep tips for cold weather care.

Even if you’re not in a snowbound region, the change in seasons can be a rough time for your skin. In most areas, the winter season means low humidity and chilly temperatures, which can sap moisture from your skin and leave it irritated and unhealthy.

We’ve got some simple tips from home remedies to over-the-counter treatments for all types of winter skin perils.

Protect Against the Elements: Indoors and Outdoors

When the weather outside is frightful - and by frightful we mean cold and dry - pay attention to what it can do to your skin. Dermatologist Dr. Jessica Wu told EverydayHealth.com, “These conditions suck the moisture out of your skin, leaving it dull and dry, as well as itchy and irritated.” Saving your skin when you’re outside means covering it up and treating it topically.