How To Cover Facial Flaws

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Acne and Acne Scars

The first goal when covering up acne breakouts is to avoid further irritation of the skin. Some cosmetic products can be heavy and oily, leading to further breakouts, which is the last thing you want. Your best bet is to use a coverage product formulated specifically for oily or acne-prone skin. Many of these can be found at your local pharmacy.

It can take some trial and error to get the hang of applying coverage cosmetics so that they look just right. First, you'll want to use a concealer stick that's the same shade as your skin or a bit lighter. Dab it on with your finger and be sure it blends into your skin. Next apply your foundation. It's a good idea to use a nice soft sponge and a gentle touch when applying foundation over concealer; this way the concealer does not get rubbed off. Finally, you can finish with a powder. Powder will help set your make-up, keep it from melting off throughout the day, and help control oil that can cause breakouts.

If acne scars are a major concern, you should consider investing in products from a company that specializes in corrective cosmetics. The makeup from these companies provides serious, non-irritating coverage that won't make you look overdone.

Dark Circles and Discolorations

To handle dark under-eye circles and discolorations, you should use the same steps as those described above, however, you'll have better luck if you choose coverage cosmetics specifically designed to camouflage your particular flaw. For example, dark under-eye circles are better hidden with a yellow-based cover stick, while red, blotchy skin can greatly benefit from a concealer with a green tint.