5 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Life

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These days, it's hard to turn on the television for more than fifteen minutes without seeing at least one commercial talking about weight loss. However, when you get right down to it, more than weight loss is important, the key is making lifestyle changes - eating more nutritious foods and focusing on physical fitness.

When you recognize that fitness matters and that you're going to want to do more exercise, there are a number of things that you can do:

  1. Choose one day of the week to walk or bike to work -- at least part of the way. If your fitness level is not quite where you want it to be, you may want to take the bus partway -- at least initially -- and to take advantage of the bicycle racks that are at the front of many buses in most areas. In addition to improving your fitness level, biking or walking to work will help you to save at the gas pump.
  2. Get active with the kids. Recent studies have shown that kids aren't getting outside or being active enough; by spending time with the kids and focusing on fitness, you'll find that you're able to stay on top of what the kids are doing and to help guide them down a path to fitness.