Is Portion Distortion Making You Fat?

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A serving of pasta has doubled from two to four cups, making the calories double from 280 to over 560 - and that is without calculating sauce or fats used in cooking.

That super size French fry bargain? Those extra few cents could cost you more than a hundred calories. If you really want to save your money, try going for the small serving instead. At McDonald's a small serving of French fries is 230 calories, whereas a large is a whopping 500 calories and more than double the fat.

Even our dinner plate, which used to measure ten inches in diameter has increased to twelve and a half inches in diameter. Add this to increased "super size" portions in restaurants, larger muffin or baking tins and larger soda containers and you can take in additional calories in every serving, which adds up to increased weight.

It's become such a problem that many people wouldn't be able to identify a proper serving of food.

For a quick visual aid, here's how normal servings of the following foods would look, according to the Baylor College of Medicine: