Is the Freshman 15 a Myth?

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by Andrea Francese

Every countless high school graduates pack their bags and ready themselves to leave the nest, but the threat of a dreaded weight gain looms. Some suggest that the freshman 15 is merely a myth, but recent studies show that there may be some truth to the notion.

According to a research study published in the Journal of American College Health are likely to gain five pounds their freshman year of college. Several other studies have found that following the freshman gain many students likely will follow up that gain with two or three pounds the following year and the trend will continue throughout college.

The same study has found that men are likely to gain more weight than women their first year of college. The most staggering finding in the study has little to do with the actual poundage gained, but rather the study indicated that college students are transitioning from normal Body Mass Indexes to Overweight BMIs rather quickly and much of it is attributed to gradual weight gain patterns that may follow them the rest of their lives.

The Freshman 15 is not a myth, but is somewhat overestimated and lulls college students who have not gained the dreaded freshman weight into a false sense of security, allowing them to pack on poundage later in their college careers.

While the study is somewhat alarming there are several ways for college students to avoid packing on the pounds.