Little Things May Make a Big Difference in Weight Loss

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If you love chocolate and cannot resist the temptation of chocolate, simply switch to dark chocolate, instead of milk chocolate; this switch will save you hundreds of calories. People who have a weight problem usually love to eat, and those who love food always prefer different varieties to satisfy their palates.

Accordingly, food manufacturers have come up with a variety of flavors to lure consumers into trying each and every one of them. For example, one leading manufacturer of snacks produces as many as 150 different types of chips with different flavors and different texture in different packs, while another soda drink company offers hundreds of different flavors. Avoid falling into these traps. Stick to only one flavor -- your favorite one. Don't even attempt to try every other flavor, thinking you will settle for the one you like best. The reality is that you may end up loving several ones, and this only gives you the excuse to eat more.

Trying different varieties may also apply to the combo in fast food restaurants. Go for a burger (the advice here is to avoid eating one totally) only, and not the fries and the milkshake. A cheeseburger with large fries and a milkshake will give you a whopping 1800 calories - more than what you will need for the whole day.

Going to bed 15 minutes earlier than you normally do may also help you lose weight. The reason is that sleep deprivation may reduce your body's production of leptin, a hormone that suppresses your appetite. By going to bed before your normal bedtime may help you get more sleep to increase your leptin. Also, you burn calories while you sleep. Weight loss is more than just eating less. Every little thing you do may help you lose more.

About the Author:

Stephen Lau is a researcher and writer. He has published several books, and has created websites on health and healing, such as eating disorders, natural healing, longevity health, and mental depression. For more information, go to: http://www.stephenlau.name

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Little Things May Make A Big Difference In Weight Loss