Lighten up: Foods That Fight Depression

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Sex and Chocolate
You might not believe it, but eating the wrong kinds of food can actually cause depression. Low-fat diets in particular can starve the body of essential nutrients, leading to mood and energy swings. To prevent this, you need to eat foods that are digested slowly, foods with a low GI (Glycaemic Index) such as whole grain rye bread, oats and basmati rice. And get to get in a really good mood, eat chocolate. Good quality chocolate releases endorphins into the body that make you feel relaxed and "naturally" happier. Chocolate is also thought to increase libido and act as a natural antidepressant.

Take Control
Want to ward off depression simply by balancing your diet? Then here's what you need to know:
Eat more:
- Broccoli and blueberries, to help stabilize blood sugar levels
- Oily fish, high in omega-3 fatty acids
- Eggs and oatmeal for carbs and tryptophan
- Avocado and spinach, folate-rich
- Whole grains, brown rice, whole wheat bread or pasta for B vitamins

Eat less:
- Fatty foods, especially red meat and corn oil
- Greasy foods, especially fried or anything high in saturated fat
- Artificial sugars, especially in processed foods
- Caffeine, which temporarily raises blood glucose levels, and then drops it again leaving you feeling depressed