The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

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Mistake #5: You Don't Develop the Skills
Often, two good people get together and are happy for a while, but then one of them starts to harm or neglect the relationship. Even healthy, smart and attractive people sometimes don't know how to relate. They try to find the reason for miserable love lives, "blaming the stars" for the latest breakup, or lack of closeness with their partner - when usually they don't understand how to communicate, or ask for what they want.

The Warning Sign:
Once they learned those crucial aspects, their relationships improve, and they are able to get back that spark. So, if you've lost your spark with the one you love, or if he used to seem like your dream man but now you're not so sure, or if he's withdrawn from you and is not as enthusiastic as you'd like, then your relationship skills need an upgrade. You have the power to improve your love life.

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Carol Allen is a Vedic astrologer and relationship coach who has spent almost 20 years helping women achieve romantic fulfillment with men. Carol has combined her training in Eastern philosophy with the most cutting-edge relationship research to offer a unique blend of practical, effective "real-world" advice with the best "out of this world" wisdom you need to make the most of your romantic destiny.