Pure Weight Loss Centers

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ImageIn the past, members of LA Weight Loss had to fill out a medical questionnaire and go through blood work before an individual can become a member. If there are no physical limitations, they become a member and attend sessions three times a week at the center.

The program goes for a year and consists of three phases: the weight loss phase, stabilization and maintenance. As you move throughout the different phases, you'll begin to frequent the center on a weekly basis.

The online program costs $219 the first month and $14.95 a month. Membership benefits include...

-- the Fast ForwardTM weight loss program

-- 4-week supply of Nutritional Bars

-- Bonus variety sampling of Pure Weight Loss' best-selling products, a bottle of Multi-Vitamins, and a Professional Food Scale

-- Complete Menu Plan Kit and Welcome Guide Kit

-- Exclusive Pure ChefTM access to customize recipes

-- Easy online interactive eTools

-- Access to Dieters Hotline for weight loss questions and support