All About Acid Reflux

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*Alginic acid is a foaming treatment [Gaviscon] that covers the stomach contents and decreases reflux.

*H2 blockers: famotidine or cimetidine, sold as Pepcid AC and Tagomet HB, can reduce acid production.

*Proton Pump Inhibitors have proved effective in reducing acid. They also promote healing of a damaged esophageal lining.

Always consult a physician for advice on drugs or drug combinations.


Modern drugs, especially the Proton Pump Inhibitors, together with lifestyle changes have made surgery less needed. It is still an option, however, for severe cases and a major advance has been the development of laparoscopic surgery. Small incisions are made to perform the Nissen fundoplication where an upper section of the stomach is wrapped around the lower esophagus to prevent reflux. New developments using radiofrequency energy, or sutures, to tighten the LES also offer possibilities of resolving GERD.