What Are the Symptoms of Food Intolerance?

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While the diet may seem drastic, you need to stick with it for just two weeks to get the other foods out of your system. When you slowly add one or two items back in, it will be clear whether or not they are the problem. Concentrate on recognizing and controlling what you eat for an accurate test. You may work with a dietitian to create a meal plan you can follow that allows you to test your intolerance for certain foods while still getting the nutrients you need. Also consult your doctor if you have any health problems to avoid eliminating essential nutrients from your diet. 

The whole process of adding food or groups of food back into your diet can take up to six weeks because each group needs to be added back in slowly and monitored for several days before another food can be added. Watch the symptoms listed above as you rule out foods. 

By the time you complete the elimination method, you should have a good idea of the foods that cause stomach pain, diarrhea and other symptoms of food intolerance. Once you do this, you will reduce the number of incidents after eating. There will be no more embarrassing moments of being gassy or making a mad dash for the restroom. You may have to avoid a food group, but the payoff is a feeling you'll definitely be able to stomach.