Are You Turning Into a Bridezilla?

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Then be realistic about your budget and go easy on them. Berating them for not being able to afford the wedding of your dreams, complete with a $200-per-plate sit-down dinner isn't going to help. When you find yourself making demands of the wedding party's appearance – there are brides who demand certain hair colors, lengths and styles, for example – so your pictures can be just-so, then you're sparking some serious animosity among your (soon-to-be-former?) friends. One red flag may be your bestie avoiding any communication among the two of you. If you've always chatted once a day or more and you find yourself going several days or weeks without touching base, then she may be avoiding you. It's all about perspective – put yourself in others' shoes and get wise to how they view your behavior. Remember the golden rule and apply it to yourself often when you're planning your memorable day full of love and happiness.