How Are You Supposed to Smell Down There?

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When you douche, all the bacteria is washed away, good and bad, creating an imbalance. So washing with a gentle soap and water is the best way to go. Individual smells vary, depending on how much you sweat, how often you bathe, what products you use on your laundry, your underwear material (breathable cotton is best) and what you eat. Smells to pay attention to include a yeasty smell - like a beer or bread might smell - indicating a yeast infection. That dreaded fishy smell can be an indicator of bacterial vaginosis, an infection that is sexually transmitted and must be treated by a doctor. If you notice any change in your smell or discharge, then you should see a doctor. Your smell might vary depending on the time of the month - it's not unusual to have a metallic smell when menstruating. Regardless of how you feel about your scent, embrace it - it's normal!