Can Sensual Massage Break the Barrier of Silence Between Couples?

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Why was sensual massage popular with people of many cultures and races?

The massage offers innumerable benefits for those that give, likewise that receive. The benefits immensely bolster the connection the partners share.

It should be remembered that the sensual massage doesn't merely involve kneading the muscles; it's an experience and involves perfect blend of several elements from preparation to the pressure points. Then coming to the massage part, which is about how to touch and where to touch -- it's more than just that physical touch.

It doesn't have to start with a preparation according to some; the massage can start incidentally as some pranks, jokes and play but transition to serious sensual massage and then end in sex.

Benefits of this type of massage

Sensual massage can be erotic. It kind of evokes the sleeping senses. The massage can deliver message of promise from the giver that they are bound to them and it can help in shedding of inhibitions during the process of lovemaking.