The Rules of Online Dating for Single Moms

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DON'T overdo it on the kid talk. While it's good for a potential date to know that you have children, they shouldn't be the focus of your interactions. Your profile should be about you and your life. Yes, your children are a part of that life, but just like they don't want to hear about their mom dating, your date doesn't want to read countless emails about their ballet recital or hear stories about science projects. And meeting at a Chuck E. Cheese is definitely out of the question.

DO look for niche dating Web sites that cater specifically to single parents. A quick Internet search will point you to a half-dozen sites where you can connect with other single parents who are returning to the dating scene. If you are looking for someone who understands the trials and tribulations of parenting instead of weeding through hundreds of profiles to find another single parent, try it.

Putting yourself out there as a single parent ready to date again can be nerve-wracking, but online dating can offer you a way to ease into the process. Follow these guidelines, and you'll be on logged in for love.