How to Jumpstart Labor

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Putting pressure on the cervix can help dilate it further. Other ideas many experienced moms swear by include spicy or caffeinated foods and drinks. It is true that food that taxes your digestive system may cause contractions, but you're more likely to cause some fierce heartburn and puffy (or puffier) ankles. More controversial ideas are taking a dose of castor oil and nipple stimulation. Castor oil is said to stimulate prostaglandin production, like sex, but it also can bring on terrible diarrhea. Nipple stimulation, in which you rub your nipples, releases oxytocin, a labor-inducing hormone. But for it to be effective and safe, it must be done in a hospital to monitor the baby's heart rate, which can fluctuate during the process. And it's recommended to be done three times a day, for one hour at a time. Who has time for that when you're preparing for baby's arrival? Simply relax - most of the time, nature will take its course sooner rather than later, and it'll be worth the wait when you see that newborn's face.