Natural Remedies for Colds and Stomachaches

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At home, you may employ age-old remedies like chicken soup, which has proven to shorten respiratory illnesses like colds. A hot shower's steam eases congestion, and cool vaporizers with a little peppermint oil added can ease nighttime breathing. Gargling with warm salt water helps soothe sore throats, and so do hot herbal teas. Licorice, mint and ginger teas are particularly soothing on irritable tummies. For nausea, acupressure has been proven effective. Try applying pressure two fingers' width under the wrist - this pressure point is thought to affect nausea. Flat, clear sodas can help ease nausea, but they shouldn't be used for rehydration. If the child has been vomiting, then rehydration is key, and water, popsicles, watered-down juices and electrolyte-balancing drinks should be used. If vomiting is accompanied by a high fever or a stiff neck or it lasts more than a few hours for a child under 6, see a doctor.