How to Make Eyes Look Bigger

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Choose eyeliner next. We all know to line the top lid, but lining the bottom lid inside the lash line with white can really make eyes appear whiter and wider. Also, a pearl- or light gray-colored liner applied to only the inner corners near the nose illuminates eyes and adds shine. When it comes to lashes, go all out. If you have to fake it, then do so. But lush lashes make a difference when it comes to your look. Many mascaras create both volume and length, so if your lashes are fairly substantial, then you can work with what you have. First, always curl lashes with a high-quality curler - when it comes to these little ingenious devices, you definitely get what you pay for. When applying, wiggle the brush as you pull it through lashes. More product gets deposited in this way, with less of a chance of clumping. Add another coat after the first dries, and you should have the gorgeous peepers of your dreams!