6 Tips to Care for Your Skin Better -- and Greener!

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Looking younger for as long as you can is probably important to you. But all those products you use on your skin? Some of them come at a cost-- both to your health and to the environment. Fortunately, though, using products that are better for you skin's health often means using products that are greener and easier on the environment. The hard part is knowing which products pass muster... and which should be left on the shelf to gather dust.

We all want the face in our internet dating profile photos to belie our years. With some of the tips below, you can do just that-- without doing too much damage to the environment in the process.

Make your own. This probably sounds a little far-fetched, right? After all, why would Estee Lauder sell it for $75 if you can make something just as effective at home?

The real reason is because they can. While it's true that some ingredients are impossible to find and some textures impossible to recreate, there are still plenty of beauty products you can make at home, reducing your beauty regimen's impact on the environment and on your bank account. Look online for recipes for different at-home beauty products, such as homemade toners or moisturizing masks with avocado. Or pick up a simple multi-use product like jojoba oil and use it in place of several other products.